Monday 18 April 2011

Chris Port Blog #210. KS3 Drama Action Research Project: Bibliography

© Chris Port, Central School of Speech and Drama, 2000

Bourdieu, P. and Passeron, J.C. (1977) Reproduction in Education, Society and Culture, London, Sage.

Bruner, J.S. (1986) Actual Minds, Possible Worlds, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.

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Child, D. (1993) Psychology and the Teacher, London, Cassell.

Daniels, H. (1996) An Introduction to Vygotsky, London, Routledge.

DfEE (1998) Standards for the Award of Qualified Teacher Status.

Edexel (2000) GCSE Syllabus 2000 – Drama.

Epstein, D., Elwood, J., Hey,V. and Maw, J. (1998) Failing Boys? Issues in Gender and Achievement, Buckingham, Open University Press.

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Hornbrook, D. (ed.) (1998) ‘Crafting Dramas’, On The Subject of Drama, London, Routledge.

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Jackson, D. (1998) ‘Breaking out of the binary trap’, in Epstein, D., Elwood, J., Hey, V., and Maw, J., Failing Boys? Issues in Gender and Achievement, Buckingham, Open University press.

Kohlberg, L. and Lickona, T. (1936) The Stages of Ethical Development from Childhood Through Old Age, New York, Harper and Row.

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McNiff, J. (1993) Teaching as Learning: An Action Research Approach, London, Routledge.

OFSTED (1997) Inspection No. 101247, OFSTED,

Papineau, D. (1996) ‘Philosophy of Science’, in Bunnin, N. and Tsui-James, E.P. (eds) The Blackwell Companion to Philosophy, Oxford, Blackwell Publishers Ltd.

Piaget, J. (1950) The Psychology of Intelligence, London, Routledge.

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Pollard A. and Triggs, P. (1997) Reflective Teaching in Secondary Education: A Handbook for Schools and Colleges, London, Cassell.

Port, C.J. (2000) Interview with Mentor, 24 May 2000.

Schön, D. (1933) The Reflective Teacher, London, Temple-Smith.

Sheeran, Y. and Barnes, D. (1991) School Writing, Buckingham, Open University Press.

Skinner, B.F. (1953) Science and Human Behaviour, New York, Macmillan.

Taylor, P, (1996) ‘Doing Reflective Practitioner Research in Arts Education’ in Taylor, P. (ed.) Researching Drama and Arts Education: Paradigms and Possibilities, London, Falmer Press.

Vygotsky, L. (1978) Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.

Walkerdine, V. (1988) The Mastery of Reason: Cognitive Development and the Production of Rationality, London, Routledge.

Willis, P. (1977) Learning to Labour: Why Working Class Kids Get Working Class Jobs, London, Saxon House.

Willis, P. (1990) Common Culture, Buckingham, Open University Press.

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